The global Hindu community celebrates the occasion of Hanuman Jayanti on the full moon day of Chaitra month. Lord Hanuman is believed to be one of the most influential deities. On this auspicious day it is common for people to visit Hanuman Temple for darshan. Here’s some Hanuman Jayanti Wishes in English you can use with your Hindu friends.
May Lord Hanuman bless you and your family. Happy Hanuman Jayanti!
I hope Lord Hanuman helps you accomplish your dreams. Happy Hanuman Jayanti!
I hope you and your loved ones always remain under the protection of Lord Hanuman. Happy Hanuman Jayanti!
I pray that Lord Hanuman grants you all the happiness, prosperity and abundance in life. Happy Hanuman Jayanti!
Let this Hanuman Jayanti be one that is filled with joy and happiness for you and your family.
Significance of Hanuman Jayanti
Hindus rejoice on Hanuman Jayanti as they believe it was the day when Lord Hanuman was born. There is even a tradition among Hindus to offer silver works and vermillion to the Hanuman idols. Ramcharitmanas that was written by Goswami Tulsidas and the Hanuman Chalisa are recited in every temple. Many also observe fasts and worship with great enthusiasm and energy.
Here are some Lord Hanuman Jayanti wishes to use with Hindus in your social circle.
May Lord Hanuman aid you in attaining wisdom and knowledge in the years ahead. Happy Hanuman Jayanti!
I hope Lord Hanuman blesses you and your loved ones with good health and a long life. Happy Hanuman Jayanti!
Let this Hanuman Jayanti bring you closer in devotion to Lord Hanuman! Happy Hanuman Jayanti!
No matter how big your difficulties may seem, the powers of Lord Hanuman can always resolve them. Happy Hanuman Jayanti!
I hope on this festival you not only ask Lord Hanuman for what you seek but also thank him for what he has already given you. Happy Hanuman Jayanti!!
The people who taught Lord Hanuman were Lord Shankar, Lord Surya and sage Matang and his mother. The chin of Hanuman ji was broken by Indra’s Vajra and this was the reason he was named Hanuman. It is also famous by other names as well Kesarinandan, Mahavir, Kapish, Shankar Suvan, Bajrang Bali, Maruti, Anjani Sut, Pawanputra, Sankatmochan, etc. Take a look at these Happy Hanuman Jayanti Wishes you can use to bond with Hindus that you know.
May Lord Hanuman grant you the strength and resilience needed to face your difficulties. Happy Hanuman Jayanti!
Let us cast aside all our differences and come together as one to celebrate this holy occasion. Happy Hanuman Jayanti!
May Lord Hanuman dispel all the darkness within you and make you a better person. Happy Hanuman Jayanti!
Never underestimate the mercy of Lord Hanuman and do not shy away from seeking his forgiveness. Happy Hanuman Jayanti!
Be kind, compassionate, let go of grudges and enjoy this festival together with your loved ones.
Whenever life feels overwhelming or too hard, always seek refuge in Lord Hanuman for he will grant you strength. Happy Hanuman Jayanti!
This Hanuman Jayanti immerse yourself in worship, praying your heart out as Lord Hanuman hears all your prayers. Happy Hanuman Jayanti!
Let this auspicious day bring you tranquillity and fulfilment now and for the years that come ahead.
I hope Lord Hanuman grants guidance towards righteousness and guards our hearts against corruption.
Follow the teachings of Lord Hanuman and you will find answers to many of your problems. Happy Hanuman Jayanti!
This sacred festival is not just about celebration and enjoyment but also about developing a deeper devotion and bond with Lord Hanuman. It is also about becoming a better Hindu and a better person too.
Whether you celebrate the occasion or not, these Hanuman Jayanti Wishes in English can be a great way to develop a connection with those that do.