Write for Us

We love it when people write for us! We are all for budding writers to express their opinions. We’ll provide you with a space to share your ideas. Just make sure to remember these terms!


  • Need 600 to 1000 words SEO optimized Content with a copyright-free image.
  • We will edit the original content if any changes are required.
  • The post will be removed at any time if we find any issue with it.
  • No content will be posted with adult entertainments, links to pornographic sites, adult content, casino, gambling, online gaming, illegal activities, offensive content, abusive material.

Our Promise

We will provide you the right platform for your ideas. We know you have too many opinions to give and a lot of ideas to share that can change the industry. So, we promise to offer you a blank canvas to paint in your colors. The Impetus labs platform is the right place for you to show your cards!

Your Promise

Now, we love you alright. But you must assure us of some things too! To make sure that we can publish your ideas in your way, we need you to promise that you will not defame, criticize or insult any individual or company using our platform. This is a way for our progress. Let’s not smear anyone here!

All your questions

  • What can I write about?

Have a look at what all we’ve been writing about to get a general idea of what we prefer to publish. Yet, if you really want an idea of topics you will be writing, here’s what we prefer:

Do AcceptedDo Not Accepted
Start-ups, How-To, LegalGaming (We do not accept post for this category)
Technology, E-commerce, Lifestyle, Travel, Health,
Gambling (We do not accept post for this category)
Marketing, Digital Marketing, Business Tips, EntrepreneurshipCasino (We do not accept post for this category)
App/Product/Brand Review, Mobile Apps and
Software, Videos/Infographics, Reviews
Adult (We do not accept post for this category)
  • Will I get paid?

Sorry, you won’t get paid for this. We pride ourselves on being the perfect platform to lend a voice to your ideas. If we start paying you, your content will lose legitimacy as it will be counted as paid promotional material. Now, we don’t want that, do we?

  • Is my submission exclusive to this site?

Yes! What you write for us will be treated here! Unfortunately, we cannot give you the permission to repost this material anywhere else because it would just become redundant over the internet. If your topic is meaningful and the content relevant, then you will have readers to your articles. Reposting would make it lose lawfulness.

  • What is the word limit around here?

We would like you to write a minimum of 600 to 1000 words with a summary of 250 chars. Anything less than that isn’t very elaborate or informative.

  • Do I need to inform you about my topic for you in advance?

Yes, you are gonna have to inform us about the topics you write so you can have our consent.
If you are interested in publishing a guest post on impetuslabs.com, then let us know via email.