Happy Engagement Wishes in Hindi

Engagement Wishes in Hindi

An engagement is a big deal, and chances are, the engaged couple will keep the cards they receive during this time forever and ever (the good ones, anyway!) — so you’re gonna want your engagement wish message to be pretty legendary. Obviously it’s a once in a lifetime moment and your wish will remain with them forever. Well, if you’re with what it should be, then here comes a list of engagement wishes in Hindi to help you outline your message. Let them know how happy you are with them getting engaged finally and celebrate this day with lots of joy, alcohol, and best wishes!

Heartfelt Engagement Wishes in Hindi

Whether you share your wish as a text, email, call, or in person, your congratulations will definitely add even more sparkle to their smiles, and more joy to their special moment. But do personalize your wish according to your relationship with the couple. Such as: Acknowledge a casual acquaintance with a sincere but general message. Choose a more personal text for family members and close friends. Anyway, check out these wishes:

मेरे भाई जब तूने सगाई की खबर सुनाई, ख़ुशी में हृदय से आवाज आई बधाई हो बधाई।घर की खुशियों में चार चाँद लगा दिए हो, जबसे सगाई की रस्म अदा किए हो।

My brother, when you told me the news of engagement, a voice came from my heart in happiness, saying congratulations. You have enlightened the happiness of the house, since you got engaged.

जिंदगी में खुशियों की कोई कमी न हो, प्यार हो हर जगह,आंखों में कभी नमी न हो।सगाई की ढेर सारी शुभकामनाएं।

There should be no dearth of happiness in life, there should be love everywhere, there should never be any moisture in the eyes. Many congratulations for the engagement.

मुसीबत में जो आगे आ जाए, खुद को जो आपका साया बताए, ऐसी बहन को इंगजेमेंट की शुभकामनाएं।

Best wishes for engagement to such a sister who comes forward in trouble, who shows herself as your shadow.

हम सभी दोस्तों की तरफ से, आप दोनों को सगाई की ढेर सारी शुभ-कामनाएं।

From all of us friends, many best wishes for your engagement.

बस इतनी सी करते है भगवान से फ़रियाद, कि जिससे तुम सगाई कर रहे हो वह हजारों साल तुम्हारे साथ साथ रहे, हैप्पी इंगेजमेंट भाई।

All we do is pray to God, that the one you are getting engaged to stays with you for thousands of years, Happy engagement brother.

न कभी प्यार की कमी हो, न कभी खुशियों की कमी हो, इन्हीं दुआओं के साथ यह कहना है,भाई आपको इंगेजमेंट मुबारक हो।

May there never be a shortage of love, nor shortage of happiness, with these blessings, I say, congratulations to you brother.

आने वाले साल आप दोनों के लिए आशीर्वाद, प्यार और खुशियों से भरे रहें.।सगाई होने पर बधाई !

May the years ahead be filled with blessings, love and happiness for both of you. Congratulations on your engagement!

रहे फूलों की तरह जिंदगी आपकी, चांद से भी हंसी हो जिंदगी आपकी, गम की परछाई न पड़े ये दुआ है हमारी, खुशियों से भरी रहे जिंदगी आपकी हैप्पी सगाई भाई !

I pray to God that may your life be like flowers, may your life be more cheerful than the moon, may the shadow of sorrow not fall on you, and may your life be full of happiness. Happy engagement brother!

आज तुम जिंदगी की एक नई राह पर हो, और तुम्हारे भाई की दुआ है तुम्हारे जीवन में खुशियां हजारों हों । हैप्पी इंगेजमेंट बहन !

Today you are on a new path of life, and your brother prays that there may be lots of happiness in your life. Happy engagement sister!

सिर्फ अंगूठी नहीं सारे, हालात बदले-बदले से हैं, तुम दोनों को देख कर लग रहा है,कि सारे जज्बात बदले से हैं । नए जीवन की शुरुआत की शुभकामनाएं !

Not just the ring, all the circumstances have changed, after looking at both of you, I feel that all emotions have changed. Congratulations on starting a new life!


Engagement is the most special time of life; it’s the beginning of that new phase where the person is getting to share their journey with their beloved. Remember that it’s also the monet when both of them get scared and doubtful. This is the best time to comfort them with some sweet and positive engagement wishes in Hindi. Share one of the above mentioned messages with the couple and wish them the best for their upcoming journey.

About Tejasvi Jain

Tejasvi is an excellent SEO Content Writer and has more than 2 years of experience in content writing. She loves to explore new places, takes active part in adventurous activities, and also has a genuine interest in new trends going around social media.

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